
your money


To bring the most effective climate tech on Earth - trees - to full impact, we join forces with the world’s tree experts: indigenous guardians, lawyers & engineers, impact brands and investors.

Tree by tree, forest by forest a network of ‘indigenous rewilded’ ecosystems grows. Each with its own unique challenges and opportunities, each with its replicable solutions.

Our mission: to keep the most precious forests on Earth sacred for everyone, forever.

The Arhuaco Sacred Forest is the prototype for protecting more than a dozen indigenous forests across the globe.

Generational protection by expert asset managers

Nowadays, tree growing projects seem to grow on trees. But forests are more than just trees. They are complex, and so is their future. To succeed, we need the world’s top experts.

According to all available research, indigenous communities are in the lead. Their forests are the most resilient guarantees for a healthy economic climate, as well as a stable actual climate.

In a complex and corrupt world, indigenous expert protectors need allies: brands, investors, lawyers & engineers, the public. That’s what Sacred Forests helps to grow.

Rituals x Sacred Forests

Rituals is a founding partner of Sacred Forests, sponsoring the indigenous Arhuaco community in Colombia who live in one of the most important rainforests in the world, to reclaim their land, rewild hundred thousands of hectares of forests, and protect their guardian culture for generations to come.

Original Beans x Sacred Forests

Original Beans is a founding partner of Sacred Forests and one of the first companies to develop a successful supply chain with the Arhuacos. The ambitious vision for Sacred Forests has emerged from this partnership, inviting other impact brands, together protecting the Sierra Nevada for all, forever.

Indigenous rewilding the world’s most precious places. Join us here.

Indigenous people protect 80% of all biodiversity. But they receive only 1% of climate funds.

The SF 

The founders of Sacred Forests are three successful white guys. Great.

Not the demography one would normally entrust to protect forests and indigenous peoples. But with decades of leadership in conservation, green business, and sustainable investing, what they lack in diversity, they more than make up for with the ability to make your money matter (and rugged good looks).

In fact, their experience with forests goes back generations, into their family trees. They have launched and successfully grown the world’s original One4One trees programme. They have financed sustainable forestry. They believe in direct action and plain language. With the right partners, in the right places.

Aart Van Veller
Founder of Van De Bron

Aart van Veller is co-founder and former Director of Vandebron, an online marketplace for sustainable energy with the goal of fuelling the Netherlands 100% sustainably by offering energy from independent Dutch producers directly to customers.

In January 2020, Aart left Vandebron to spend time with his family and reflect on more than 12 years of entrepreneurship.

Daniel Povel
Director of Corporate Development, Triodos Bank

With a career in ethical investing, sustainable development and decades of experience working in international investments and financing, asset management and consumer banking, Daniel knows how to put money to good use.

He now spends his days as Director of Corporate Development at Triodos Bank - a global leader in sustainable banking.

Philipp Kauffmann
Founder of Original Beans

After a career start in the Internet world, Philipp worked for the WWF and the UN on conservation issues around the globe. He went back into business to launch Original Beans, Europe’s leading craft chocolate and a benchmark for regenerative business practices.

Philipp follows the motto of his forefather, Georg Ludwig Hartig, who in 1793 wrote that "any wise forest management must use the forest in such a way that generations thereafter can draw at least as much advantage from it as the presently living generation has.”

Founding Partners

In 2012, one of Colombia's most important indigenous leaders narrowly escaped assassination. Rogelio's car was riddled with bullets. As he jumped out and ran for his life, one bullet went through his white hat. Miraculously he survived.

The Association of Indigenous Producers are committed to strengthen the economic interests of the Arhuaco people and shape local economic development in balance and respect with nature.

While still in high school, Jan Schubert, founded his own chocolate company from the basement of the family home. At age 19, he left for Latin America and now lives and works from Ecuador to head Original Beans’ sourcing and impact work.

Original Beans is Europe’s leading craft chocolate company and a pioneer of regenerative business practices. In 2023, they were ranked as the world’s #1 most sustainable chocolate company by the international Chocolate Scorecard.

Forest Funders

Inspired by the wisdom of ancient traditions and cultures, Rituals Cosmetics is a company that uses business as a force for good, offering products that are kind to body, soul and planet.

With the purchase of every Rituals product, we support the indigenous Arhuaco community of Colombia in their efforts to reclaim, reforest and protect their rainforests for generations to come.