Rewilding our first Sacred Forest is off to a great start. Overall tree growth trajectory is poised to exceed 6.67 million surpassing our initial target by a remarkable 850 thousand trees.
The Arhuaco people believe every part of the Sierra is part of a living being. Safeguarding these lands, the ‘Heart of the World’ is woven into their spiritual lives, so they consider it their societal mission to protect her. To remind the Sierra who she is.
Our primary focus is to work with the Arhuacos to restore ecosystems through Indigenous led rewilding and monitoring. And second, to support their Indigenous economy and their 'Life plan', protecting and strengthening communities. Culture and nature together.
Forest conservation and rewilding are centered on areas of high strategic, cultural and environmental importance. To make sure our Sacred Forests remain untouched, Arhuaco rangers get trained in on-the-ground tactics and remote sensing technologies, and we have partnered with a Satellite company to monitor from the sky.
Our primary focus is to work with the Arhuacos to restore ecosystems through Indigenous led rewilding and monitoring. And second, to support their Indigenous economy and their 'Life plan', protecting and strengthening communities. Culture and nature together.
Forest conservation and rewilding are centered on areas of high strategic, cultural and environmental importance. To make sure our Sacred Forests remain untouched, Arhuaco rangers get trained in on-the-ground tactics and remote sensing technologies, and we have partnered with a Satellite company to monitor from the sky.

In terms of Agroforestry we have surpassed expectations and planted nearly double the target of seedlings to boost agroforestry production (of coffee and cacao) and thus, community income opportunities.